Monday, August 27, 2012

16 weeks & back at work

I'm in my 16th week now and feeling pretty great. I had been on bed rest for about 7 weeks due to a minor complication, but everything has been fully resolved and looking A-OK! So I'm headed back to work to finish out the season of Gravity Falls at Disney. There is only 4 weeks left on my contract at Disney so it will be the perfect amount of time to get in a little work and social time before I become a little more restricted with my activity.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Full Bellies

The Bump Begins


We posted this 12 week ultra sound image on facebook and got a great response. Someone referred to the babies as "The Twyndas" and that's how we got the name of this blog.

The Proof!

A couple very long weeks after the embryo transfer, we received a phone call from one of our nurses. She had HAPPY news to share! Hard work, modern medical miracles, and some plain old good luck paid off. She said, "Congratulations! Amanda's pregnant" She also told us that Amanda's hormone levels were on the high end. We asked if this could mean a multiple pregnancy and she told us we would need to come in for an ultra sound. Here's what we saw...

We kept the news private until we took a trip to NY and shared our joy with our families.


After multiple unsuccessful single embryo transfers, we decided to go out with a bang and transfer our final 2 embryos. When the Dr. asked if we were sure, Amanda replied with, "I just cracked 7 double yolked eggs in a row. Yeah, I'm sure".

Double Yolks!!

A few days before our embryo transfer, we decided to have eggs for breakfast. As we got started to cook, a funny thing happened. We were surprised when we cracked open a double yolked egg! We kept on cracking and found 7 lucky double yolks in one carton! Could that have been a sign twins were in our future? We like to think so. :)

The Very Beginning

As some of you may know, it wasn't so easy to get this family started. We've spent the past few years going thru many rigorous tests and procedures to get to where we are today. Here is a little glimpse of the memories we made going thru that process.